Friday, September 18, 2009

GOTW Whackometer - Week 3

Here are the results for the Week 3, Game-of-the-Week Whackometer, which attempts to see whether one (or more) of the GOTW judges are "whacko".
Name Week-1 Week-2 Week-3 Average
Jeff 0.792 0.319 -0.149 0.321
Greg 0.471 0.307 0.522 0.433
Arun 0.493 0.563 0.164 0.407
JimD 0.493 0.505 0.329 0.442
Mike 0.661 -0.058 0.009 0.204
Remember that a number closer to 1.000 means that the judge agreed with the collective wisdom of the other judges, a number closer to -1.000 means that the judge disagreed with the collective wisdom of the other judges, and a number close to 0.000 means that the judge neither agreed nor disagreed with the collective wisdom of the other judges.

This past week, the results were pretty varied. Greg agreed most with the other judges, while Jeff somewhat disagreed with them. Michael, once again, was independent of them.

For all three weeks, however, each judge still has a positive number, indicating that (overall) each judge agrees with the other judges to some degree.

Thus, so far, no whacko.

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